Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Hello everyone! Lyndsay Melancon graciously put together this slideshow for us of the pictures that she took of Madeline in the hospital. It's just awesome! For some reason I couldn't attach it to the blog before...but now it has allowed me to attach! So here it is in the post below. Enjoy!!

Also, just this past weekend we had our first small fundraiser for Maddie's Footprints and we raised $3,500!!! We are just overwhelmed how much we were able to raise for such a small fundraiser! Thanks to all of you who came and or made donations. We are so grateful to have all of you in our lives!!

We are also having our first Board Meeting tonight and I'm just so excited it's finally here and we can get things started. So many of you have offered to volunteer and/or help out with events (which hopefully we will have plenty) and we cannot thank you enough. So to try to keep things organized, please email me (lorimcgrew@cox.net) if you'd like to volunteer when things start happening. I'm starting a "list" so that we can remember all of our resources! Please give me your name, email address, mailing address and phone number so that we can contact you in the future.

And also, we have had another doctor's appointment since my last post. Baby McGrew is still looking good and has a strong heartbeat! Thank you for all of the prayers - they are working!

Again, thank you so very much for all of your love and support. I don't know what we'd do without all of you!

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