Thursday, May 28, 2009

Another update!

(Even Blue is showing Madeline some lovin'!!)

Well today we have GOOD news! We went to the doctor again. My blood pressure is still high, but it did lower a little bit. I also lost 5 pounds in 2 days, which means my swelling has gone down considerably. So apparently, the rest and the increased dosage of blood pressure medicine seems to be helping a little! We decided to keep things as is for now. We go back Monday afternoon for another check-up. I'll continue to keep updating the blog with the most recent information!

Thanks everyone for checking on us and of course for all of the prayers!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Doctor visit

We had another doctor visit today. My blood pressure is still too high even with taking the medicine for a week. We discussed the options of inducing labor since I'm now considered full-term. Since I'm still not showing any signs of labor, we decided to wait a couple more days. The doctor told me no more work and stay home. He also increased my blood pressure medicine to three times a day. We'll go back on Thursday to check my blood pressure again. If it's lower, then we'll probably just continue to hold off. If not, we may need to seriously consider inducing.

I'll continue to keep you all updated as things progress!

Saturday, May 23, 2009


We went to the doctor again this past week and my blood pressure is still consistently higher than it should be, but all tests still point to no toxemia! I am still working part-time trying to rest in the afternoons and this week I started taking blood pressure medicine. Hopefully this will help to get it back down closer to normal. I have begun my weekly doctor visits - so it's definitely getting closer! As of now, still no signs of labor and no dilation. Baby Madeline isn't quite ready just yet!

Travis and I are still hanging in there and enjoying every minute we have with Madeline. She has been quite the "wiggle worm!" We not only feel her, but now we can see her moving in my tummy! It's such an awesome experience and we get great joy out of those moments. We are anxiously awaiting her arrival to hold her and see her for the first time, but we know for now that she is safe right where she is!

Please continue all of the prayers for all three of us. They are definitely working!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Good news

So during my last few trips to the doctor, my blood pressure has been consistently high. Last week, my doctor was afraid of the possibility that I could be developing preeclampsia (aka toxemia). The only cure for toxemia is to deliver the baby, which we don't think Madeline is quite ready for yet! To take precaution, he had me take a few tests. My results came in yesterday and they looked good! My blood pressure is still significantly high and I have begun to swell (which are both symptoms of toxemia) so he wants to continue to monitor me closely. I'm going to begin taking the same tests weekly and he's also asked that I cut back on my hours at work. I'm going to try my hardest to take it easy and get my blood pressure down. Please say some prayers that it works and that we can hold off on delivery as long as possible!!

We also had Mama's 90th Surprise Birthday Party this past weekend. She had a blast and is the most beautiful 90-year old I've ever seen. She continues to live each day to the fullest and still loves to laugh! She is admired by many! Her party pics are posted in the photo album.

Sunday, May 3, 2009


As most of you probably know by now, we received some upsetting news last week. Baby Madeline has been diagnosed with a condition called Trisomy 18 (Edwards syndrome). Although we know our time with Madeline will be limited, we are trying to remain positive. We are praying for strength, peace and a miracle. We are using this time to bond with her more than ever. We are talking to her more, reading to her more and cherishing every kick and/or movement we feel. We are trying our best to embrace every moment that we have with her!

We have been overwhelmed by all of the support that we have received - the countless emails, phone calls, cards, etc. We have even received cards from people that we have never met before! It's the most amazing feeling in the world. Madeline has touched more people's hearts before her birth, than most people do in a lifetime! Thank you all so much for your thoughts and prayers. We appreciate it more than you know.

We have updated the photo album with her recent 3D pictures from the specialist that we saw last week. As you can see, her cleft lip and clenched fists are more prominent in these. In our eyes, she is still the most beautiful girl in the world and we can't wait to hold her in our arms.

Thank you all so much for all of the love and support and please continue the prayers!